Each state in the United States of America is unique. The people and legislature of Nebraska have selected the following state symbols to represent their state's individual environment and culture.
The eastern part of the circle to be represented by a steamboat ascending the Missouri River, the mechanic arts to be represented by a smith with a hammer and anvil, in the foreground, agriculture to be represented by a settlers cabin, sheaves of wheat, and stalks of growing corn, in the background a train of cars heading towards the Rocky Mountains, and on the extreme west, the Rocky Mountains to be plainly in view, around the top of the circle, to be in capital letters, the motto "Equality Before the Law," and the circle to be surrounded with the words, "Great Seal of the State of Nebraska, March 1, 1867."
Nebraska's State Flag consists of a reproduction of the great seal of the state, charged on the center in gold and silver on a field of national blue.